CCTV Technician Jobs Trivandrum
Job-Title : CCTV technician
No. of Vacancy : 2
Experience : Minimum: 2 years, This a vacancy for CCTV technicians in Trivandrum, Kollam, Kottayam, Cochin, Thrissur, Kannur, Calicut, Kerala
Place : Trivandrum
Qualification : 2 year ITI course from a reputed institute in electrical technology
Key Capabilities : Should have thorough knowledge in CCTV,IP networking electrical/network cabling etc.
Position Level : CCTV technician jobs, Instrumentation technician jobs, Automation technician jobs, hardware technician jobs
Salary Offered : RRs.15,000 – Rs.20,000 + all statutory benefits like medical insurance, HRA PF, gratuity etc.
Preference : Male, Age: 22-26 Location: Male, Age: 24-30, Location: initially the posting will be in their respective districts. The job involves frequent travelling on short notice all over south

Institute Of Advanced Studies In Engineering – IASE
Learn the trends in Automation, HVAC, CCTV, BMS, Fiber Optics, Intrusion, Fire Alarm As well as the Electronic Security industry
Contact IASE :7025570055