How to burglar proof your house when you go on a  vacation? 

We work hard to make money. We keep toiling hard to create wealth. That is perhaps why vacations are very essential to save your sanity. Are you someone like us? You would wish to go on a long vacation at least once every year or at least once every two years. But then, the fear of the safety of your home is perhaps what stops you from going on a long vacation. Is that your concern? Well, we are here to help you. We present you with a few good tips to help you safeguard your home and about the best home automation system dealers in Trivandrum when you are away on a vacation. 

Best tips to burglar-proof your home when on vacation 

There are several factors that would influence the safety of your home. Do you wish to reduce the risk of theft at your home or property? Here are a few tips that can perhaps go a long way in helping you achieve better results. 

Never indicate to anyone that you are away

Do not indicate to anyone or anywhere especially on social media, that you are moving on a vacation. Of course, it may be tempting to post your vacation photos, but we recommend doing that once you are back home. 

Never leave anything on your voicemail, answering machine, or autoreply. Make sure that you have let only your close friends know about your vacation and that you are away from home. 

Add a smart lock to your door 

A smart lock can help lock or unlock your door remotely. Always give temporary access codes that expire after a short period of time This will help you find who has access to your home, as you do not need to give your physical keys to anyone as you can open and close the keys remotely. 

There are several smart lock options available in Kerala. You can check out your nearest home automation system dealers to avail the right sort of service. 

Suspend your mail and newspaper delivery service 

A stack of newspapers and mail at your doorstep can give away the fact that you are away. This can act as an open invitation to the burglars. If you do not want to do that, you can ask your friend or neighbor to collect them at regular intervals – preferably every day. 

Leave the lights on

Leaving the lights on can be yet another excellent option to make the possible burglars feel that you are around. Do not leave all the lights on all the time, as it can give rise to suspicion. Leave only a couple of them on to give out a feel that you are in the house. 

Home automation systems can help you switch on and off the lights remotely. This can further help create an environment that you are still around at your home. You can even choose to switch on or off your lights randomly. This will give a feel as if someone is at home, even when no one is there. If someone is keeping a watch on your home, this will make them believe that there is someone at home and thus they will stay away. 

Keep all your valuables out of sight 

Thieves and burglars are always on the lookout for the easier options to steal. If you have left the valuables near a window, that can act as an open invitation for them. They can smash your window in a minute and steal your valuables. 

It may also be a good idea to keep your valuables safe at a locker or somewhere else that you may feel safe. We would also recommend keeping your valuable electronics away from the window. This can help prevent any burglar attempts. 

This is also applicable to the tools used for gardening such as axes, ladder and other implements. Keep them at the right place where they cannot be stolen. It has been observed that burglars tend to use the gardening tools like these to break open the doors or even reach the second floor or terrace. 

Have a friend visiting your home regularly

A set of eyes that regularly have a look at your home can help you safeguard it better. He or she can act as your home sitter. It can be your friend, a family member, or even a neighbor. 

You can give the responsibility to anyone whom you trust. They can keep an eye on your property and tend to the regular tasks. This can be the best way to deter burglars. 

Keep your lawn clean and mowed

An overgrown lawn can be a great sign to indicate your absence. Ask your friend or any of your neighbors to tend to your lawn at regular intervals. They can make the proper arrangements to keep your lawn properly mowed until your return back home. 

If you are moving on a short vacation, you can do it yourself. Before you leave, mow the lawn and keep it trim. That would ensure that the lawn just looks good and you do not need to worry about giving away that you are away from home. 

Leave your car in the doorway

Well, a bit unintuitive as it may appear to be, but that should be an excellent cue to indicate that you are home. A car parked in the doorway will give the impression that someone is at home. Do you have more than one vehicle? You can keep one of them at your doorway instead of at the garage. 

Do you have only one car and you need to take it with you? Ask your neighbor or close friend to park their car in your doorway until you return. The key is to make burglars believe that you are still at home. 

Remove the spare keys from around your home

Never keep the spare keys under the doormats or anywhere else as has been our regular practice. If you have friends or trusted neighbors who will be checking your home in your absence, make sure to give them their keys. 

Of course, the best option should be to install smart locks as we already stated. You can only let in those you trust through a mobile app. There are several service providers in Kerala who help you get such smart locks. 

Follow Police guidelines 

Kerala police, for instance, have guidelines for the people going on vacation. Ensure that you follow these guidelines carefully. The citizens going on a vacation from Kerala are advised to install the pol-App mobile app on their devices. This will ensure that their homes will be under complete surveillance. 

You are expected to convey your absence to the local police station in Kerala seven days before your moving on vacation. The house and surroundings are offered a good police surveillance for a maximum of 14 days. Police also suggest keeping all doors, windows, terrace doors, and kitchen doors properly locked. It is also advisable to install home monitoring systems and security alarms to detect an intrusion. 

Choose a home alarm and security system

The first and best security tip that you should follow when going on a vacation? That is to install a home security system for your property. Put simply, a home security system is a set of electronic gadgets. These link together with one another and monitor your home. You can get in touch with the best home automation system dealers in Trivandrum to know more about these systems. 

These systems can help you in taking care of a variety of threats. These would include fires, floods, and home invasions. These systems would include door sensors, window sensors, video doorbells, outdoor security bells, and security cameras.  Are you in Kerala? You will find several options that help you get the best systems installed. 

Using a good home automation system will help you create an ambiance where you may make people believe that someone is available at home, and it isn’t empty. You can switch on or switch off the lights, open or close the gates remotely, or even turn on or turn off your garden irrigation systems. To get the best quality, it is advisable to buy the home automation system from the best home automation supplier in Trivandrum. 

In Conclusion

Well, are you planning to be away from your home on a vacation? Those were just a few great options to help you take care of the safety of your home. Installing home automation systems and CCTV systems can go a long way in assisting you. It can help you get the best security and protection for your home. Get in touch with the best CCTV dealer in Trivandrum or a reputable and best home automation system dealers in Trivandrum. 

Proper and good use of installed CCTV observation, Video door phone, gate automation system, and home automation system are just a few great options that can help you achieve more positive results in taking absolute care of your home when you are on vacation. The top home automation system dealers in Trivandrum  should help you achieve better results in safeguarding your home when you are away on vacation. 

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